Welcome everyone
There are many people here who love the color feature over nickname
I will share it with you for free
All you have to follow are the following steps
1 - We will put this code at the end of this file ==> js / function_logged.js
There are many people here who love the color feature over nickname
I will share it with you for free
All you have to follow are the following steps
1 - We will put this code at the end of this file ==> js / function_logged.js
//=== FancyName
showFancyName = function(){
$.post('system/box/edit_fancy_name.php', {
token: utk,
}, function(response) {
overModal(response, 500);
saveFancyColors = function(){
$.post('system/action_profile.php', {
color1: $('#set_fancy_color1').val(),
color2: $('#set_fancy_color2').val(),
color3: $('#set_fancy_color3').val(),
color4: $('#set_fancy_color4').val(),
anim: $('#set_fancy_anim').val(),
token: utk
}, function(response) {
if(response == 1){
callSaved(system.saved, 1);
else {
callSaved(system.error, 3);
saveFancyGlow = function(){
$.post('system/action_profile.php', {
fancy_glow: $('#set_fancy_glow').val(),
fancy_glowsize: $('#set_fancy_glowsize').val(),
fancy_glowdirct: $('#set_fancy_glowdir').val(),
token: utk
}, function(response) {
if(response == 1){
callSaved(system.saved, 1);
else {
callSaved(system.error, 3);
2 - add code in ==> css / custom.css
.nameWave {
background-size: 200% 100%;
background-position: 0 0;
-webkit-animation: nameWave 3s linear infinite normal;
animation: nameWave 3s linear infinite normal
.clip {
background-clip: text;
-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent
@keyframes nameWave {
0% {
background-position: 0 0
100% {
background-position: 100% 0
3 - We will put this code at the end of this file ==> system / action_profile.php
//=== Fancy Name
$co1 = escape($_POST['color1']);
$co2 = escape($_POST['color2']);
$co3 = escape($_POST['color3']);
$co4 = escape($_POST['color4']);
$an = escape($_POST['anim']);
$mysqli->query("UPDATE boom_users SET fancy_color1 = '$co1',fancy_color2 = '$co2',fancy_color3 = '$co3',fancy_color4 = '$co4',
fancy_anim = '$an' WHERE user_id = '{$data['user_id']}'");
echo 1;
$go = escape($_POST['fancy_glow']);
$gosize = escape($_POST['fancy_glowsize']);
$godirc = escape($_POST['fancy_glowdirct']);
$mysqli->query("UPDATE boom_users SET fancy_glow = '$go', fancy_glowsize = '$gosize', fancy_glowdirc = '$godirc' WHERE user_id = '{$data['user_id']}'");
echo 1;
4 - We will put this code at the end of this file ==> control / chat.php
<script data-cfasync="false" src="js/spectrum.js<?php echo $bbfv; ?>"></script>
5 - add code in ==> control / head_load.php
We'll look for this code <?php if(!boomLogged()){ ?>
Put the code below on top of this code that you searched for
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/spectrum.css<?php echo $bbfv; ?>" />
6 - add code in ==> system / function.php
Replace the existing code with the existing one:
function createLog($data, $post, $ignore = ''){
$log_options = '';
$report = 0;
$delete = 0;
$m = 0;
$fancy = '';
$anim = '';
if(isIgnored($ignore, $post['user_id'])){
return false;
return false;
if(canDeleteLog() || canDeleteRoomLog() || canDeleteSelfLog($post)){
$delete = 1;
else if(canReport() && !isSystem($post['user_id'])){
$report = 1;
$fancy = 'style="background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(145deg, '.$post['fancy_color1'].' 3%, '.$post['fancy_color2'].' 10.8333%, '.$post['fancy_color2'].' 18.6667%, '.$post['fancy_color3'].' 26.5%, '.$post['fancy_color3'].' 34.3333%, '.$post['fancy_color4'].' 42.1667%, '.$post['fancy_color4'].' 50%);text-shadow: 0 '. $post['fancy_glowdirc'] .'px '. $post['fancy_glowsize'] .'px '. $post['fancy_glow'] .';color: transparent; -webkit-background-clip: text;background-clip: text;animation-duration: 1s;"';
$anim = ''. $post['fancy_anim'] .'';
if($m > 0){
$log_options = '<div class="cclear" onclick="logMenu(this, ' . $post['post_id'] . ',' . $delete . ',' . $report . ');"><i class="fa fa-ellipsis-h"></i></div>';
return '<li id="log' . $post['post_id'] . '" data="' . $post['post_id'] . '" class="ch_logs ' . $post['type'] . '">
<div class="avtrig chat_avatar" onclick="avMenu(this,'.$post['user_id'].',\''.$post['user_name'].'\','.$post['user_rank'].','.$post['user_bot'].',\''.$post['country'].'\',\''.$post['user_cover'].'\',\''.$post['user_age'].'\',\''.userGender($post['user_sex']).'\');">
<img class="cavatar avav ' . avGender($post['user_sex']) . ' ' . ownAvatar($post['user_id']) . '" src="' . myAvatar($post['user_tumb']) . '"/>
<div class="my_text">
<div class="btable">
<div class="cname">' . chatRank($post) . '<span class="username ' . myColorFont($post) . '"><span '. $fancy .' class="'. $anim .' ' . $post['user_color'] . '"><font '. $font .'>'. $post['user_name'] .'</font></span></div>
<div class="cdate">' . chatDate($post['post_date']) . '</div>
' . $log_options . '
<div class="chat_message ' . $post['tcolor'] . '">' . processChatMsg($post) . '</div>
7 - add code in ==> system / function.php
Replace the existing code with the existing one
function createUserlist($list){
global $data, $lang;
return false;
$icon = '';
$muted = '';
$status = '';
$mood = '';
$flag = '';
$fancy = '';
$anim = '';
$offline = 'offline';
$rank_icon = getRankIcon($list, 'list_rank');
$mute_icon = getMutedIcon($list, 'list_mute');
$flag = '<div class="user_item_flag"><img src="' . countryFlag($list['country']) . '"/></div>';
if($rank_icon != ''){
$icon = '<div class="user_item_icon icrank">' . $rank_icon . '</div>';
if($mute_icon != ''){
$muted = '<div class="user_item_icon icmute">' . $mute_icon . '</div>';
if($list['last_action'] > getDelay() || isBot($list)){
$offline = '';
$status = getStatus($list['user_status'], 'list_status');
$mood = '<p class="text_xsmall bustate bellips">' . $list['user_mood'] . '</p>';
$fancy = 'style="background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(145deg, '.$list['fancy_color1'].' 3%, '.$list['fancy_color2'].' 10.8333%, '.$list['fancy_color2'].' 18.6667%, '.$list['fancy_color3'].' 26.5%, '.$list['fancy_color3'].' 34.3333%, '.$list['fancy_color4'].' 42.1667%, '.$list['fancy_color4'].' 50%);text-shadow: 0 '. $list['fancy_glowdirc'] .'px '. $list['fancy_glowsize'] .'px '. $list['fancy_glow'] .';color: transparent; -webkit-background-clip: text;background-clip: text;animation-duration: 1s;"';
$anim = ''. $list['fancy_anim'] .'';
return '<div onclick="dropUser(this,'.$list['user_id'].',\''.$list['user_name'].'\','.$list['user_rank'].','.$list['user_bot'].',\''.$list['country'].'\',\''.$list['user_cover'].'\',\''.$list['user_age'] .'\',\''.userGender($list['user_sex']).'\');" class="avtrig user_item ' . $offline . '">
<div class="user_item_avatar"><img class="avav acav ' . avGender($list['user_sex']) . ' ' . ownAvatar($list['user_id']) . '" src="' . myAvatar($list['user_tumb']) . '"/> ' . $status . '</div>
<div class="user_item_data"><span><p '. $fancy .' class="'. $anim . ' class="username ' . myColorFont($list) . '">' . $list["user_name"] . ' </p></span>' . $mood . '</div>
' . $muted . $icon . $flag . '
8 - add this in ==> system/box/edit_profile.php
Put it below the password change code
<?php if(boomAllow(2)){?>
<div onclick="showFancyName();" class="listing_half_element">
<i class="fa fa-pencil listing_icon"></i><?php echo 'Nick Style'; ?>
<?php } ?>
9 - add this in ==> system / chat_log.php
(1) after boom_users.bot add this :
(2)in else section also after boom_users.bto add :
10 - add this in ==> system/panel/user_list.php
after user_sex, :
in both sql section add these
11 - put ==> spectrum.js in js folder
12 - put ==> spectrum.css in css folder
13 - put ==> edit_fancy_name.php in system/box folder
14 - add in your database boom_users
(1) fancy_color1 varchar 500 defined as utf8_general_ci
(2) fancy_color2 varchar 500 defined as utf8_general_ci
(3) fancy_color3 varchar 500 defined as utf8_general_ci
(4) fancy_color4 varchar 500 defined as utf8_general_ci
(5) fancy_anim varchar 500 defined as utf8_general_ci
(6) fancy_glow varchar 500 defined as utf8_general_ci
(7) fancy_glowsize varchar 500 defined as utf8_general_ci
(8) fancy_glowdirc varchar 500 defined as utf8_general_ci
If you encounter a problem with operating the color feature, please do not hesitate to talk to me and I will help you
Thank you all